Today we met to paint at Cleo Parker Robinson Dance. There, we discussed the progress of the mural, had a great (and tough) discussion about debated roots of violence, and painted for about 3 hours.
Artists Kathryn, John, and Leticia admire their work and discuss what should be added. |
Artists Suzie, Fred, and Tracy engage in discussion about the causes of domestic violence. |
Leticia and Kathryn hammer furring strips into the plywood to prepare another panel. |
I add brown paint to the soiled dove of innocence. |
John paints a picture of a boy who is condemned for crying. This painting depicts how the socialization of male aggression starts when society tells boys that they can't show emotion or cry, but instead have to be "tough" and "strong" in order to be masculine. The caption reads: "Quit crying. Be a man." |
Tracy gathers inspiration from Leticia's collection of magazine clippings. |
Fred designs a table with a message in braille. This portion of the mural, made with glass stones, expresses the (often forgotten) prevalence of violence towards people with disabilities. |
A girl holds the soiled dove of innocence. This picture demonstrates how girls are socialized at a young age to think that physical beauty is the most important aspect of being female. This can later lead to deep securities, body dysmorphia, depression, and the hyper-sexualization of girls/women in our society. |
This three panels are the "dark" part of the mural and represent the roots of domestic violence in our culture. |
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