Friday, January 31, 2014

Regis Students Join the Effort!

This afternoon, Regis students Dawn, Angel, John, and I went to Cleo Parker Robinson to paint for a couple hours. Leticia delegated tasks, we turned on music, and got to work. Here is some of the work:

It's interesting to see these two panels side-by-side. One is a dark image of socialized male aggression, the other is the final hopeful panel illustrating children reaching towards a brighter future.  

Angel and John contribute their artistic expertise. 
Leticia and Angel converse about where to place the smaller male figures on the large head.

Dawn sketches a new drawing over the old. How she keeps it all straight in her head, I have no clue. 

John adds detailed work to the image of the men mocking the crying boy. 


Friday, January 24, 2014

The Mural Goes to the Denver Art Museum (Weekend Two)

Repainting the Mural is at the Denver Art Museum January 14th - 26th! Come to the Drawing Studio  to see it! Leticia, Leo, and Hannah will be there both weekends to give you a tour, explain the art, ask you to share your opinions, and invite you to add a drawing to the mural! 

Leticia gives a tour of the mural to Regis students (and Mom!)

A man and woman hold up candles in a vigil for loved ones who lost their lives by domestic violence. 

Regis students Dawn Sietz and Angel Estrada examine the mural and add their thoughts about what they want to add. 

Leticia explains the Native American legend of the The Wolves Within.

Legend has it an old grandfather said to his grandson. "A fight is going on inside of me", the grandfather explains. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil. It is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, inferiority, and lies." He continued, "The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, compassion, empathy, generosity, truth, humility, kindness, and faith. This same fight is going on inside of you - and inside every other person, too." The grandson thought for a moment about the story and then asked: "Grandpa, who will win?"
The old man replied, "The one you feed." 

Pictures of pictures of pictures. 

Talented Regis student Dawn Sietz, everybody ;) 

Leticia explains the mural to Regis students Trissana Burke, Mandy Filipi, and Clare Felletter. 

Inspired, the students make their own sketches to later add to the mural. 

John draws....something. 

The exhibit in the Drawing Studio at DAM. 

Leticia tells Dawn she should turn her sketch into a 4'x8' drawing. No big deal. 

Ancient roots of violence where women are treated as property. 

This picture is dedicated to Trayvon Martin. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Mural Goes to the Denver Art Museum (Weekend One)

Today was the first weekend that people could come and add to the mural at the Drawing Studio. Leticia, Leo, and I stayed there for several hours this Saturday giving people tours, answering questions, asking them to share their reactions, and inviting them to participate. 

Advertisement for Leticia and Leo's Artwork 

The finished mural will be more than three times as large as this. 

Remember the panel at Earthlinks? Here it is after a bit more work on it! 

There was a special "Kids' Corner" where young visitors could add flowers of hope to the mural! 

John continues his drawing. 

Leticia adds to the mural as people come to visit. 

Leo describes his mural work to Regis University professor of Peace & Justice Eric Fretz. 

Leo explains some of his past work to visitors. 

Leo, Leticia, and John take a break to draw. 

A Muslim girl reaches towards a brighter future. 

Leticia and John discuss options for new ideas. 

Leticia adds to a drawing dedicated to Trayvon Martin.

Leo explains the mural to a guest. Before the elderly man left, he thanked Leo and said, "You're the kind of person I want to be when I grow up."

Monday, January 13, 2014

Installation Day

Today is my last first day of college. That's right folks, it's already the final semester of my college career. But, on the bright side, it also marks the first day of the mural at the Denver Art Musuem! 


Leticia drills hinges on the panels to fit them together. 

Leo set up his art (and descriptions of his) art next to the mural. He made this poster to explain one of his past mural projects. It's inspired me to make a poster like this for our project!

The lights hung low so they had to be careful to maneuver the panels. 

The "dark" part of the mural sits in the corner depicting the effects of negative socialization of boys and girls in our society. 

Move in crew!